Yesterday’s revelation that the man in police custody is Rolf Harris represented yet more distraction away from the mainstream of British paedophilia. But The Slog will continue to report the reality.

This from a victim of sexual abuse by John Wills, would-be scoutmaster in Stowmarket – about whom I posted recently:

“I was raped and abused sexually by John wills whilst in care as a child. A cursory google of John Wills paedophile will throw up how Wills is also linked to oakwood school stowmarket and abuse there, he’s the lynch pin of a huge paedophile ring. The police tried to deny yesterday that it was him, but I’ve seen pictures of him there. They gave him amnesty from further prosecution and further access to boys in return for him giving the police evidence on other paedophiles.

“Jonathan Eckersley was my social worker and arranged for me to go to John Wills’ house for fostering where I was raped and abused for months almost daily, by him and others. I wasn’t allowed to give evidence against him. Jonathan Eckersley, it has since been found, sat on the vetting committee when John Wills became a foster carer.
“When I left school, Eckersley arranged for me to go and work for Lord Henniker at his estate, I’ve got pictures of me there and it’s a matter of record I was there. I got beaten by Peter Righton when there for waving to a girl who had Downs [Syndrome], just waving from the road, the reason was that she wasn’t for me.”
The author of that email remains in hiding. But this account is a classic of its type: collusions, penetration, and renting. Here’s another one:

Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk went on record weeks ago saying police were failing sex abuse victims and the police angrily dismissed his allegation. However, a former senior Greater Manchester Police officer is now saying the same. Former Det Con Margaret Oliver says men alleged to be part of a child-grooming ring in Rochdale were never brought to justice because the evidence of teenage victims was not pursued.

DC Oliver was the witness manager assigned to two victims, and when she learned the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) had decided not to call the girls as a witness, she felt ashamed of her part in a process that won the girls’ trust….only to betray it.

The Crown Prosecution Service said it focused its case on victims who would give the best evidence in court but DC Oliver has told the BBC more abusers “would be off the streets” if their girls’ evidence had been used. DC Oliver resigned from her job because she says did not get the reassurances she wanted about how vulnerable witnesses would be treated in the future.

One of the girls, who was just 14 years old when men started grooming her for sex, has never been told why she was dropped as a prosecution witness. Some of the men she said had abused her were never arrested or charged and she says she still sees some of them walking around Rochdale.

Lest we forget, Cyril ‘Slob’ Smith hailed from Rochdale, and was something of a baron there. As I was born at 142 Rochdale Road, I am especially ashamed of how a formerly decent neighbourhood has sunk into the abyss of depravity.

This account (largely extracted from a local Rochdale newspaper) has all the hallmarks of police blind-eye, judicial stitch-up, and CPS bollocks. Another key factor is atrociously poor vetting – and it seems to be spreading to the States:

It is a crying shame that the US seems not to have to learned from the UK’s disastrously skimpy vetting of social and childcare perverts in the past. A leaked document sent out to Massachusetts professionals by the Department of Early Education and Care four days ago reminds me of several I’ve seen over the years emerging from local government nooks and crannies. The circular observes that the sector…

‘…is not ensuring that its licensed child care providers are performing the required Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) checks on their staff, both at the point of hire and then every three years

During our audit, we compared the most recently reported home addresses of all Level 2 and Level 3 registered sex offenders to all
licensed Commonwealth child care provider addresses during the 15 month period July 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011 and found 119 instances where Level 2 and Level 3 sex offender addresses matched addresses of EEC child care providers…’

119 of these people is more than enough to get a procurement system up and running….as the UK’s Richmond Council found out to its cost. But when staff levels are stretched to breaking point, and bonuses are more important than child buggery, this is what happens.

Related: How paedophiles network, infiltrate, and protect each other