At the End of the Day


The Great Barrier Reef between real and élite.


Yes, and it’s looking good…’s Clare Foges about to write something off-message for The Times…..yes…..”An obsession with issues such as trans rights distracts us from the greater challenges of our age..”…..Great Scott, she’s said it, hooray and then “ climate change….”……aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH.

I think we need to up her meds again.

I have taken to calling Keir Starmer Steer Karma, as this appears to be his only insight on offer in the thrilling race for the leadership of the Islington Collective for Solidarity with the Migrant Trans-Manche Proletarian Religion of Peacefully Misogynist Gang-rape.

Asked at the weekend what was the most exciting thing he had ever done, Our Steer answered, “Taking my kids to the football”.

I’ll just repeat that: the most exciting thing he had ever done was to take his kids to the football. Of course, he made sure before setting out that the Big Day would be perfectly safe, because both children were equipped with H & S approved earplugs to protect them from homophobic chants and the tympanic dangers of crowd noise.

All things being equal, the first time I took my elder daughter to a cinema was pretty good, and watching my younger offspring starring in a school play while chatting to Jerry Hall was, you know, cool.

But the most exciting thing I ever did?

Not really. Moving, yes: I’m good with the moving thing. A tear in my eye during the performance, and the pleasant surprise of discovering Ms Hall (then Mrs Jagger) was not just very bright but also very funny.

Playing with dolphins off Santa Monica beach, hitching a ride on a turtle off Dunk Island, coming face to face with a very angry Bull Elephant in Botswana, watching a mother leopard in South Africa trying to discipline her cubs….that moves us up a gear. Facing off a wild boar in France, jumping out of a burning house in Streatham, being hit by lightning on an Alitalia flight….yup, that stuff rated from odd to terrifying.

But really exciting? The moment a sperm whale rose out of the water at close quarters, and I found myself looking at an eye bigger than me.

Contemporary politicians need to get off-red-carpet more often. If they did, they’d be refreshingly off-message more often.

What I described in the two examples above is the barrier that lies between We the People and the multivariate élites. The first was to do with media, the second with ideological politics; however, they are but two examples: there are dozens more.

Feather-bedded, well-pensioned Whitehall & Washington barons, globalist CEOs able to evade almost any real tax, overpaid footballers morphing into overpaid TV pundits, military officers who cannot think beyond geopolitical energy goals, accountants suffused with inhuman measures like ‘headcount’, show business luvvies with no grip on reality, scientists with a tight focus on the Nobel Prize at the expense of Truth, central bankers who equate gatd communities with “safety”, neoliberal economists convinced that monetarist claptrap represents settled science, Leftlib denialists convinced that systemic crushing of the individual represents settled science….they have myriad conflicting aims, but one commonality: they don’t get the nature of mass Homo sapiens.

Neoliberals cannot grasp the Goodness in Man. Collectivists cannot see the flaws.

Worse still – and here, we are about to tread deeper and more ideologically dangerous waters – is the near-zero awareness among the mass of humanity about how they’re being manipulated. This represents not so much the blind leading the blind, as the delusional leading the unimaginatively sane.

Better and more intrinsically inquisitive education would provide part of the solution in the medium term. But nothing I know of can overcome a genetically inherited inability to turn introspection into civilised social awareness.

Liberal democracy is only a “safe” form of government if the electorate can discern shit from sugar. From roughly 1880 onwards in Europe and US, better education, increased literacy and new perspectives brought to the table by women kept intelligent, eclectic social democracy alive.

Universal Suffrage in 2020 – and the internet’s willingness to hand undue influence to the boneheads – is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands. From Zuckerberg to Murdoch, from the Barclay twins to Jack Dorsey, all of these people will buy influence….and happily be bought in order to flex that power to the full.

An alarming percentage of our Western electorates haven’t a clue that any of this is in play.

Given that context, should their vote be sacrosanct?

I’m trying to start an open-minded debate here.

Feel free to discuss.