HACKGATE DAY 542: Eighteen months on, Plod finally gets round to the Mirror gargoyles.

Greig Box-Turnbull, 37, who worked for Trinity Mirror until taking voluntary redundancy in March, was arrested at his home in Morden Surrey yesterday. Two other people – a prison officer and a woman – were also arrested between 6am and 8am on Wednesday.

A Mirror spokesman said it could not comment: “We cannot confirm anything because we do not know.” It’s a classic example of the Diamond Defence. However, it appears that Mr Toxic-Butterball bribed a screw darn the Scrubbs. Allegedly.

This is the first time a non-Newscorp hack has been the victim of Felt Collar syndrome. We’ve a long way to go before Piers Morgan, but every journey must begin with the first step. And hello there all you Maily Telegraph Boat People….we’re on your case.