BREAKING…..Schauble approves emoticon manual for responding to Athens debt proposals

In an unprecedented outbreak of democratic choice this afternoon, Überstürmbanngeldführerfiskalunion Wolfgang Upongreeks issued the following guide to to his Schaublettis fellow eurogroupe Finmins as a means of speeding up progress towards Grexit:

0 there is nothing new in this proposal

<0 this is how much we’re going to compromise

‰ your last proposal lacked content

°°°° but it was better than the one before

∩∩ insert latest proposal here

¦ – { (  Mr Dijsselbleom has grown a moustache while waiting for a serious proposal from you

Θ θ / ~ ~  Heads we win, tails you lose

∃¦: – (  Uneasy is the head that wears the crown, Mr Tsipras

BÞ  We suggest you sit on the John while reading our response

¿~~~~ & <<ω⇒⇒ Signor Draghi thinks your forecasts are all piss & wind

√   Something you will never get from us

⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥  This is your bed of nails, now lie in it & shut up

→ ⇓  We have decided this is your economic future. Don’t argue

± †  Whichever way you cut it, we’re gonna crucify you

Sieg Schäuble!