Imperial war by proxy is a dangerous game, Cynthia

I just finished a re-read of Decline and Fall [ the book of the BBC Series, not the Waugh Novel] as I have been making a close study of what the elements are leading from apparent known-World dominance all the way down to chaos at the bottom of the barrel.
This may seem a blinding glimpse of the obvious, but the factors involved over and over again are civics, religion, morals, ethics, technology, corruption, normalisation of depravity and “liberal” intolerance. In a remarkably ordered way, this gradual rise of “good” motives is then turbo-charged by a leap in war technology, the death of the Brightest and the Best in battle, and the holier than thou tolerance of the daftest ideas imaginable [alongside] the utterly perverted application of cod science to the dreaded ideology that renders it “settled”.

I tried to keep that paragraph simple, but it’s still a dense serial of thought….so hardly a surprise that people find what’s going on in the 2020’s baffling. As ever, let me use some the fruits of my historical endeavours.

When ancient Rome was little more than The Seven Hills – based on developing a fair apportionment of land relatively equally to give all farmers an equal chance of being self-sufficient and free from State tax demands – there was a purist individual freedom ethic seen by the early Romans quite genuinely as a form of the ultimate civilisation for the “free man”.

Three developments then collided, in the form of, “Surely it would be good to export this social culture?”, and “Oh look – we can do this because at sea, our skills are improving and on land, our metal improvements and battle tactics have made a techno-leap sufficient to force the lesser cultures to adopt what’s good for them”.

Open-minded science as the basis for dolce vita became the rationale for what one might call “Good Imperialism”; and so from around 420 BC – as long as the goal was more and more civic social accountability and the steady expansion of civilised life for all Romans – there was an acceptance of what 19th century Brits would have called “civilisation through colonialism”.

The ‘ethical’ Upper Class Roman family elites judged every Senator, military hero or wannabe conqueror on such moral bases. The downfall and murder of Tiberius in 33BC resulted from a smear campaign in the Senate claiming that he had secret Royal Emperor ambitions, for which there is little or no evidence. But it was more than enough to seal his fate.

As time went on, however, acountability and civilisation rapidly became 24 carat hypocricy along the lines of “Stay on message in order to preserve our Empire.”

Without going all Readers’ Digest on this, I would record the process of as a whole [in 21st century terms] as an initial civic aspiration and Godly fairness, a qualitative leap in applied science converted into military conquest, deification of willing military Demigods….and then loss of the reality plot in the promotion of bonkers ideas about gender, diversity, sexuality and multiculturalism.

The case of the formerly isolationist United States of America has taken over where the British Empire left off after being bankrupted by two Twentieth Century Wars. But like the Land Utopia of early Rome gave way to better battle tactics and, through superior technology, overt conquest, the mask rationale of “civilising lesser tribes” came loose and conquest for its own sake took over.

The British Empire began with a mission to educate and civilise ‘the lesser races’, but abandoned that when rivalry with Russia and then Germany produced an arms race of battleships costing men and money. The atom-bomb weaponry leap developed by US and UK scientists triggered a new arms race of ICBMs between the Anglosphere and newly Sovyet Russian turbo-Empire.

“The American Way” was to influence through globalist business….with a strongly isolationist bent. But after World War II, Britain was (literally) bankrupt, so through force majeure, the US became the land of the Free, the USSR the Empire of Evil….it too going through its civilising mission stage.

But behind the scenes, as with every empire, interference “to spread the Right Stuff” became habit-forming – wars with Korea and Vietnam [a proxy for China] later became war in the Ukraine [a proxy for Russia, although the Sovyet Union was no more].

One more giant techn0-leap has brought totalitarian surveillance to nightmare levels with the internet and digitalisation, offering vast powers to the banks, bourses and military. The US is allied with the EU in NATO [a proxy for Washington] and Putin’s Russia with China and Iran (as Israel’s “right to exist” becomes a proxy for Washington, Pentagon and CIA, and the ‘Brics’ development is a proxy for A Direct Attack on the Almighty $ as a unipolar Reserve Currency.

Covid19 looks more and more like a test bio-weapon, potentially even more deadly than The Bomb, but with far less collateral damage….as for the “vaccine”, this is probably a proxy for the depopulating sapienocide being sold hard by Klaus Schwab and his admiring band of Bond Villains in Davos.

Either you’re getting inattentive by now, or you cannot fail to have noticed the six uses of the word ‘Proxy’ in those preceding paragraphs.

Just as some conquerers of the Ancient World wished to be seen as paternalist partners (to ensure minimal need for “crackdowns” upon the rebellious) so now our 21st Century planet is too dangerous in terms in terms of sensitivities and multi-weapon wars in all the sizes and colours for anyone to be allowed to see any force, State, ideology or alliance for what it really is.

Nothing is as it seems, nor is any “thing” allowed to speak its real name: Exchange currency or weapon of war? Cure for a virus or development of a global cull? Harmless Smartphone or dystopian 24/7 track and trace technology? Safer transmission of money or devaluation by digitalisation? New currency form to rebalance power through transaction, or pincer alliance against the West in Africa and Asia?

The irony of the fifth bloc sitting quietly now as contemporary events draw to some kind of new closure is the powerful religious revival in Islam, and a minority of adherents supporting the extreme theocrats beieng used by the Godless forces of mammon’s globalist New World Order to destroy western nations in EUNATO from the inside. There are 2.9 billion Muslims in the world, very few of whom are fundamentalists….but most of that Few seem to wind up in the UK. By Boat. From France.

So here are the traditional Great Power blocs ready to rock n roll, the full list of six standing as follows:

  1. Davos stake holder New World Order neo-Nazi devaluation by digital money bourse/central bank system
  2. Sino-Russian brics group competitor to the American Dollar
  3. EUNATO Snafu now close to be being federally [and ethically] bankrupt
  4. Silicon Valley/Pharma alliance to present kill as cure
  5. Controlling all travel at a totalitarian level using the baseless threat of planetary Climate emergency as the rationale
  6. Secret States using False Flags dubbing every Islamic as a terrorist.

In the 2024 context, one has to ask, “If Lord Cameron was deemed to be the answer to such unparalleled confusion, then what in God’s name was the question?”

House of Lords Woodentop somewhat out of his depth gets ready to dive under the duvet