To Hell with politics and ideology: the battle we face is between a culture of honest decency and surreal depravity

You are who you know

Creating a culture to maximise the potential of every citizen is not in any way rocket science, anterior brain surgery, stereotactic radiotherapy, three dimensional chess….or indeed any of the other things that require absolute exactitude in order to succeed in one’s endeavour. The real beauty of those who work with genuine compassion and empirical common sense in the cause of applied social anthropology is that the tools need not be either simplistic or complex.

The requirement over all is a breeze to list:

Domestic circumstances that offer tough love

Education free from rigid ideology and absolutes

School Civics that stress respect for others & a healthy suspicion of neo-fascist State motives

The discouragement of any and all unmerited privilege, be that on the basis of great wealth, grinding poverty, gender, social class high or low, ethnicity or skin colour from black to white and all stops between.

Man will never create equality on the basis of blind attempts at all things from quotas to affirmative actions. Real egalitarian justice is based on the best qualified person who turns up. Similarly, a grossly anti-social act cannot be justified on the basis of what represents ”normal” in another culture elsewhere. Multi-ethnic societies work for all except fanatics of every colour who are incurably racist based on hatred. Multi-cultural societies don’t; on the whole, they attract extremists keen on taking over – because they see the keen-to-please State as a pushover.

There was a Swedish idiot on Muskolm X yesterday who pronounced, ”Without mass immigration, we will all starve”. It was the most outstanding example of blue blithering bollocks I’ve come across so far to date in this, the unremittingly post-empirical third decade of a century which is very likely to go down as the daftest in recorded history. I was left wondering whether she wanted us to eat illegal migrants (on the grounds that anything would be better than beetles, cockroaches and centipedes), but I doubt it: she was after all an EU commissioner – the Fourth Reich’s cleaned-up version of a Nazi Gauleiter – and thus impervious to anything either humane or sensible.

In short, we are dealing here with the oldest debate in human recorded history: what is the correct balance between individual liberty and State dictation? Just saying, ”Individual self-help good, State interference bad” is not the answer: unaccountable State officers are indeed power hungry; but equally, many human individuals are greedy. A fair balance is vital if one is to create a genuinely free-speech democracy. That’s to say, we need tolerance of fresh perspectives that can be shown to offer real educational and social benefit…alongside that, however, there must be prosecution of those who [for example] use new technology to crooked advantage. For some reason, the names Grant Shapps and and Bill Gates spring to mind. I can’t imagine why.

Somewhere between the extremes of Thomas Hobbes and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, there is a happy medium. Previous near-history societies – I’m thinking here of the United Kingdom from 1947 to roughly 1960, and the USA from 1953 to 1962 – made gallant efforts to build cultures at ease with themselves via ethical unity but without resort to Big Brother. Such societies are perfectly and easily achievable if the key building blocks are in place – and that the right role models: as I suggested at the outset, Domestic circumstances that offer tough love, Education free from rigid ideology and absolutes, School Civics that stress respect for others & healthy suspicion of State motives, and the discouragement of any and all unmerited privilege, be that on the basis of great wealth, grinding poverty, gender, social class high or low, ethnicity or skin colour from black to white and all stops between.

What much of the First World has today – as an unacceptable alternative to these elements – is lax parenting, politicised education, cheap credit, antithetical ”settled science” nonsense, an almost manic desire to conform, and the silly idea that putting ethnic minorities into TV ads is somehow useful. Educators no longer take pride in bringing out the best in their students [in whatever useful form] – they function totally on the basis of exam ”results” and hitting targets set by pc quangos for entrance gained to the University system.

And the Output? Wars that can’t even be excused by human incompetence or foolishness, because two sides plan it all cynically in advance….and nobody likes either combatant. Israel’s Benny casually watches as Hamas plan a ”surprise” attack, makes sure he has Biden’s go-ahead, and then blasts forward in search of genocide. Then a Hamas bigwig in London says ”We must learn to normalise massacres”, and a whooping crowd yells Allah Aqbar and nobody in authority does anything. First there were Peace Flotillas, now we have incitement to genocide called Peace Marches. In a neglected grave somewhere, George Orwell grinds his teeth.

Far to the North, thanks to crooked online scamster clown Grant Shapps, yet more of our already stretched tax money deepens our involvement in a war provoked by treaty-breaker and Washington whore Vlodomor Zelenskyy…a war he cannot win against a Russian leader the US despises. It’s purpose? To save Biden’s feckless ass. Yes, it’s that wunnerful thang the Special Relationship emerging once again from its coffin.

Simple conclusion: over-exposure to, and alliances with, the depraved will never restore decency….whether those depraved Caligulans be Bourse bankers, Climate insect sellers, Brussels, big Pharma, Hamas, Netanyahu, Zelensky or Biden. The sole achievement of UK involvement in these conflated emergencies has been to destroy our economy and flood the once Green and Pleasant Land with the undesirable dregs unwanted by their own countries.

And on that note, I wish you all a relaxing Sunday, and the very sincere hope that you all wake the fuck up.