The decline of the family and the triumph of data burglary

The Slog analyses the decline of the traditional ‘Happy Family’ in the First World, gives an exclusive update on the capture of data in the individual home, and explains why he is shifting the emphasis in his output away from WordPress and Twitter towards the Substack format. Further details below.

It is very common for writers of history to see the macro process of change, and citizen reactions to it, as entirely separate. They will of course write about ‘social change’ en masse, but this only rarely gets down to the level of the individual family unit that has dominated Homo sapiens since he quit the Erectus model of wandering about happily but with little or no plan, and settled into the family stability and tribal ‘rules’ about hunting, gathering, toolmaking and exploring as a pack.

‘Macro obsessed’ historians [especially the Marxist systemic school] in the past completely misunderstood why and how things change – and the overwhelming importance of how families behave when together behind closed doors; above all, it is the merciful reason why – up until now – totalitarian States have always crumbled in the end….because the megalos in what Solzhynetsin called the First Circle lose touch with proletarian life – such that it takes only one gobby but determined trade union like Solidinarsk to catch a macro member [of what is always called the ‘United’, ‘Union’, ‘People’s’ Big Bloc] on the wrong foot, and collapse the entire edifice.

Ignore the roadsweepers, taxi-drivers, club bouncers, nurses, trash collectors and building site labourers at your peril. They all go home to a family unit and keep their counsel largely private. That used to be the standard adage of genuinely liberal democrats.

But increasingly, there is no such thing as ‘private’.

What makes our current Existential Species Crisis completely different to anything that reared its head previously is the ability of pernicious comms technology [aka for now, the Smartphone] to invade familial privacy, and supply a non-stop stream of behavioural information about the average family’s diet, sex-life, and now – at last! – reactions to macro-media manipulation.

FACT: From Pew trans-national market research: ‘…a large majority say mobile phones have been good for them personally, and many also say mobile phones positively impact education and the economy. Mobile phone users also overwhelmingly agree that their phones help them to stay in touch with faraway friends and family and keep them informed of the latest news and information’.

In short, most ‘smart’ phone users don’t see that the information flow is a two-way street. This quote from a long-standing Slog source in New York State – the same person who allowed me to scoop every media sector to reveal the real aim of the Dominic Strauss-Kahn honey-trap:

‘Smartphones already have the ability to monitor far more than the Silicon Valley-Surveillance State would have you believe’.

And from a Washington-based media hub player three weeks ago:

‘Give them just one Whatsapp number, and the CIA boys can pinpoint where you are to within three metres in 6.7 seconds’.

This time, the goal for the New World Order hegemonists is to achieve detailed attitude feedback such as to make their Orwellian World irreversible.

Here’s why this really matters. Far too many of us are waiting for the citizenry’s patience to snap, and barricades to be constructed until, very quickly, Langley Virginia is sacked and every smartphone is thrown on the bonfire. But already, the depopulators have discovered that ‘family life’ barely exists any more: it’s been replaced by a generation persuaded by idiots that it’s OK to follow your feelings and express them openly – on TV if necessary – in order for everyone to put on a display a murky sewer of self-pity and insistence that they cannot possibly be to blame….that it’s all somebody else’s fault.

Not for nothing is this chest-baring genre of media content referred to as Reality Television. If you want an explanation for BLM and pc, then it’s staring us in the face: whitey has herded us all into guettos, men roam the streets with permanent erections in the endless search for innocent women to rape, and of course, the sexual rainbow must be inclusive – no matter what degeneracy is involved – because otherwise those left out will feel alienated. Blessed are the paedophiles and all that.

Narcissism is currently off the scale: people follow banal beliefs and undertake actions without ever considering the consequences. What do young people mainly use mobile phones for? Selfies. How do most people today react to the blatant destruction of personal liberties and democratic accountability? Yeh…wotevva.

Family life is reaching the stage where self-indulgence dominates and every larger community or national consideration is blocked out by the ever-growing desire for celebrity, cos I’m worf it inneye?

But this is the knock-out blow: just as the media landscape has surrendered control to the Big Three investment houses, so too the manipulators have amassed a Babel of data to show just how easy it is to ensure people at worst tolerate cultural deconstruction and at best avidly support it. On top of the behavioural data stream pouring out of every home via a variety of meters and telecom hitech, practically every First World Social research agency on the planet is prone to the unwanted attentions of the Snoopers….albeit in return for lots of nice crisp filthy lucre.

Ipsos research [French] is 15.7% owned by asset managers…outstripping the company’s founder. Kantar research is 60% owned by Bain Asset Management. Gartner research is 25.5% owned by by asset biggies, including Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street. Provoke Insights research actually specialises in how the main influencers of information output are changing over time.

I won’t bore you with a full list of the World’s Top Ten. Suffice to say, they almost all answer to the Asset Management Octopoid.

The awful naked Truth is that – when it comes to the 0.03% Fat Controllers – it is now possible for every cultural lever from the family via the local community to the schools our kids attend and the jobs they wind up doing to be identified by hitech surveillance… and then turbo-charged via our captive media set.

And what this knowledge tells them is that they are kicking at a worm-ridden, rotten door…the only door of defence against a New World Order Without End.

To 90+% of Sloggers, this is already apparent. To 99.6% of the rest of the population, that reality is hidden by invisible censorship….invisible because very, very few people out there face the bloggers’ daily battle to be heard.

So it is with not much regret that I have now decided to dump WordPress, Gmail and Elon X as main carriers of the wake-up call. Reprints of my musings will continue at the original Slog website…but primarily be communicated with renewed vigour via a substack already registered as Slogstack.

To continue without interference, those already on my followers mailing list need do nothing beyond signing up during an interim period in which I will direct them to Slogstack. I calculate that by doing this, The Slog’s real readership will probably increase by some 74% immediately.

I shall remain involved in the badinage of Twitter as appropriate, because I value beyond anything all those followers who have remained stoically loyal over the last fifteen years spent in the wilderness.

We must tell Truth to power, and remain prepared to protect all the good things about our species.

We are far from perfect; but it would a be a tragedy for history to conclude that just 0.03% of our kind used nothing more than bribery, blackmail and mendacity to defeat the rest of us.