Too many Cooks obfuskating on thin ice

How Klaus Schwab may have condemned himself to death without leaving a suicide note

I was exchanging e-correspondence with an inner-circle chum the other day, and he wrote (with his usual accessible boil-it-down intelligence), ‘John Gray’s writing suffers from too much learning and too many assumptions about what the reader may have read….But he’s got a fine grip on what is actually wrong with the current state of things, and how we got there, but, as always, His suggested solutions rely on homo sapiens developing altruistic characteristics which the last several epochs indicate will remain unfound….Like John Carey he is a rejector of all other Utopian/millennial visions of any philosophy or politics whose objectives include the “improvement of society”.

What my chum* is on about is the awful Homo sapiens tendency to aspire to grandiose self-improvement. This is a fundamental bond between us: the recognition that Utopian aspirations inevitably have Dystopian consequences

*My chum being the evergreen realist and – in the flesh – wonderfully entertaining John Emerson

Thinking about the cultural evidence of socially anthropological Man’s tribal behaviour since he wiped out Homo erectus – arguably the First Great Reset – I must confess that one general conclusion I’ve reached over the last fifty-six years of adulthood is that we have created a plethera of philosophical possibilities but nothing beyond rigid ideologies as “models”.

Too many disciplines are applied in an effort at “explanation”: the result of this is an increase in complexity that only rarely produces anything other than sterile debates – reflecting little beyond the philosopher’s Weltanschauung.

Over the last eighteen months alone, I have seen the failure of deregulated neoliberal capitalism explained in terms of

* Rigged bourses

* Obscenely large investment houses blackmailing media outlets, politicians and even the judiciary in order to create a position far above the Law

* Utopian ideas about ethics and public behaviour that Homo sapiens allegedly “cannot live up to”

* Calls for the miserable negativity of Thomas Hobbes – “Life is nasty, Brutish and short” to be expected and revived as the norm rather than improved

* The greed of a tiny minority

* DNA wiring factory-fitted as the “natural order of things”.

Between them, “experts” have used evolution, copper piping, hi-tech, dirty water, rising materialism, compliant education, “dumbing down”, testosterone, a preference for ideology over fieldwork data, failing ethics in the health and pharmaceutical sectors, loss of civil rights, familial care failures, a lack of sporting role-models, debt, changed retail and central banking laws, increased control of voting-fodder back bench/Congressional politicians leading to low quality lawmakers, global warming, running out of fossil fuels, and a silenced media set controlled by Leviathan investment houses and the ever more powerful “home defence” patriot card played increasingly by the military and surveillance State spooks.

Now this is a veritable rainbow of disciplines, professions and subjects of study all trying to explain everything but failing to reflect anything conclusive: evolutionary historians, public health officers, medical suppliers, banking/bourse firms, climatologists, journalists, social work/family educationalists, energy prospectors, doctors, Secret Service officials, dubious sovereign debt managers, hitech developers….on and on they march like Sgt Bilko’s motor-pool in utter disarray: everyone has a thesis, but nobody has a definitive answer.

Just to make the point as clearly as possible, I am largely by training a political historian who is anti-ideology, pro social mutuality in preference to knee-jerk privatisation, a modernised Benthamite believing in the importance of maximising the potential of entrepreneurs while (via solid life experience) a strong opponent of globalism, too-big-to-fail business/banks and plc bourse ownership along with most forms of remote-shareholding quoted plc structures…and the merchant banks that act as leaches on the culture of all growing companies. I find the whole idea of pc, wokeness, mad migration generosity and other destructive multicultural leftism to be a thinly disguised stage in the planned destruction of National States in favour of blocist and eventual authoritarian World Government.

My big line in the sand is the systemics: THEY MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE, NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND

Either way, that still leaves [in my fevered imagination] around fourteen entirely different professions and observers crammed onto the Small Raft Kon Tiki**. The oceanic current and dietician experts are saying, “We need to stike West because that way we’ll hit the fish stocks more quickly”; whereas the Pacific geographer dehydration boffins will opine, “Fine, but the nearest fresh water and VitC fruit in ample supply is on IngoDooDah Island to the East, so we must point the mainsail to carry us on the prevailing wind aligning us with that paradise”.

**You may never have heard of Thor Heyerdahl’s Kon Tiki expedition. This is the internet and your chance to learn rather than just earn. Look it up – I’m not the Universal patriarch here whose job is to spoon-feed you: use your sapiens voyager gene and apply it. Who knows? We could have you on a diet of solids before you can say “Tahiti”. Let’s face it, that’ll put you way ahead of Grant Shapps.

The Bottom Line is this: the rainbow of soi-disant “elite”opinion will produce multiple suggestions, and they will all do little more than provide a mirror for self-examination based on what the legacy media say you ought to feel about yourself.

We are only what the totalitarian media say we are. If we do little more than be compliant on the questions of mRNA vaccines that don’t work but do kill, then we have caved in…and should wave bye-bye to all those collaborators we once saw as friends, and in my case as long-valued Gallic colleagues.

Exempt from this entirely deserved charge of national French cowardice, for instance, are my good friends Jean-Pierre and Yvette in Monviel….and those other community members in Monbahus who quite rightly see the Parisian stylists as full of shit.

Charles de Gaulle once observed that you cannot unite a country with 57 entirely different styles of cheese. Make of that what you will.


In all honesty, I cannot but wonder what in God’s name Klaus Schwab means when he drivels on about a Great Reset emerging from a place where the debts are Sovereign, but the big losers seem to be ordinary citizens.

Even more baffling is his signature promise, “You will own nothing, and you will be very happy”. As independent owners by nature – land claimants and settlers quick to grow seeds while opportunistically hunting the red meat to balance a diet topped up with fruits from varietal trees – Homo sapiens would seem to have the edge over Schwabistas from Hollywood who suggest our only route to survival is to indulge in the tasty morsels to be had of those weirdly oceanic things that push up the sand prior to minor beach eruptions. The locals want no truck with them. As I can testify, there is wisdom in their preferences.

WhatTF, therefore, does the Great Reset suggest we need to do?

Klaus Schwab defines the Great Reset as a means of addressing the “weaknesses of capitalism” that were allegedly exposed by the COVID pandemic.

But even under the WHO definition, the Covid19 virus never got anywhere near the level of a Pandemic.

This did not, of course, hold back a book in which Schwab first introduced the concept he would later call “stakeholder capitalism”, arguing “that the management of a modern enterprises must serve not only shareholders but all stakeholders to achieve long-term growth and prosperity.”

This was the “nice cop” side of WEFism, via which social stakeholders should take the blame – and be accountable for – the social consequences of injecting people with Death disguised as immunity.

If you can imagine such a thing, there is a tougher side to this economic model.

In May 2018, the WEF collaborated with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to conduct “CLADE X,” a simulation of a national pandemic response. Specifically, the exercise simulated the outbreak of a novel strain of a human parainfluenza virus, with genetic elements of the Nipah virus, called CLADE X. The simulation ended with a news report stating that in the face of CLADE X, without effective vaccines, “experts tell us that we could eventually see 30 to 40 million deaths in the U.S. and more than 900 million around the world—twelve percent of the global population.” Clearly, preparation for a global pandemic was in order.

In October 2019, the WEF collaborated with Johns Hopkins and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on another pandemic exercise, “Event 201,” which simulated an international response to the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. This was two months before the COVID outbreak in China became news and five months before the World Health Organization flaely declared it to be a pandemic, and it closely resembled the future COVID scenario, including incorporating the idea of “asymptomatic” spread…a deft (and daft) plan to de-normalise someone showing no symptoms of 201 and recording them as a spreader……and therefore, “lock them up”.

So as we can see, there are dark and (professed) light sides to Klaus….although on either side, he’s been mingling with a lot of the Guilty Men and he’s a fully paid-up member of Climate Change Scammers Incorporated.

And now – God help us – we appear to have mislaid this beacon of light shining down upon the Human Experience

It’s February 2024 since the last Press Title – Politico – wrote anything at all about Schwab, noting among other things in the piece that WEF ‘did not address a question from POLITICO about Article 11 of WEF’s governing statutes which states “the founder designates his successor.” It did not make Schwab available for an interview.’

Schwab is known behind his back in Davos as ‘the Pope’, described as “A law unto himself” and adopting a global political positioning for the WEF wherein much of the worthy leftist ‘Stakeholder’ side has been dumped in favour of a yet to be clearly defined thing called The Great Reset. [Apologists for Klaus – there aren’t many of them – deny this and say others are behind the move].

Every Search Engine online has been got at. Every title dismisses the absent WEF founder as ‘a conspiracy theory’ which is rather odd given that there is no mention here or elsewhere of any conspiracy, merely they we have an A-list VIP missing person, that he hasn’t been seen for nearly a month and we’d like to know the state of his health, if he still has any.

But here we are nearly 1,500 words into this post, and we still don’t have a tag-line of sorts to sum up the Reset thang. You know, something like ‘The Moonies. We do the thinking for you’ or ‘Hindenburg Airlines. We’ll get you there’.

One could say ‘Our WEF Fuhrer is the one. Dead or Alive’ but that merely summarises the articles of Association. A little nearer to Reset substance might be along the lines of ‘WEF: We care so you don’t have to’.

Clarity is in short supply, but one essay – here at and penned by Michael Rectenwald at Imprimis most clearly removes the dry ice effect: whether intentionally or unconsciously, Rectenwald reiterates that by your actions shall ye be judged:

“Actions speak louder than words”

In that context, Santa Klaus emerges as a controlling renegade who sees all attempts at analytical defining of his Reset as perfectly viable targets for overt censorship and deliberate obfuscation . The following extracts from the brief Rectenwald essay are, I think, telling:

‘….In June 2020, at its 50th annual meeting, the WEF announced the Great Reset’s official launch, and a month later Schwab and Malleret published their book on COVID and the Great Reset. The book declared that COVID represents an “opportunity [that] can be seized”; that “we should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our world”; that “the moment must be seized to take advantage of this unique window of opportunity”; and that “[f]or those fortunate enough to find themselves in industries ‘naturally’ resilient to the pandemic”—think here of Big Tech companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon—“the crisis was not only more bearable, but even a source of profitable opportunities at a time of distress for the majority….The Great Reset aims to usher in a bewildering economic amalgam—Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism—which I have called “corporate socialism” and Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben has called “communist capitalism.”… brief, stakeholder capitalism involves the behavioral modification of corporations to benefit not shareholders, but stakeholders—individuals and groups that stand to benefit or lose from corporate behavior….To comply with that, governments, banks, and asset managers use the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) index to squeeze non-woke corporations and businesses out of the market. The ESG index is essentially a social credit score that is used to drive ownership and control of production away from the non-woke or non-compliant….. One of the WEF’s many powerful “strategic partners,” BlackRock, Inc., the world’s largest asset manager, is solidly behind the stakeholder model. In a 2021 letter to CEOs, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink declared that “climate risk is investment risk,” and “the creation of sustainable index investments has enabled a massive acceleration of capital towards companies better prepared to address climate risk.” The COVID pandemic, Fink wrote, accelerated the flow of funds towards sustainable investments…

As I noted earlier, words are easy weapons with which to obfuscate, but if you choose to partner with Big Six Investment House censors and heartless media controllers like BlackRock, then you are a diaphanously disguised fascist in the original Mussolini definition of the totalitarian business State.

In setting WEF up with ridiculous quasi-Royalty succession aspirations, Schwab effectively presented as a wannabe Fuhrer…and ensured a sticky end for himself. Whoever or whatever has ‘persuaded’ him to be a good boy or else may well have done us all a massive favour.

One can only repeat the Old Normal: “Observe not what the buggers say, but be informed instead by what they do

Warren Buffet is, however, a different kind of case in point. He is a skilled investor with pretty much the one sole skill in his professional life. He is more than prepared to stare reality in the face, and persistently unwilling to dodge reality.

He knows that the US Dollar is about to get screwed: I’m not an accredited financial advisor, so I can’t proffer advice. I can only inform you that I sold all my US Bucks today, and watched as the Dollar’s value fell 1.37% against the Ruble. I put my trust in Buffet because he puts empirical realities way ahead of any other emotional consideration.

The tilt of our financial World is changing in a manner likely to be irreversible until the US Unelected State returns to an economic model that turbo-charges economic freedoms, rather than placing them orbital miles above the Rule of Law.

My irreplaceable elder brother is 80 years old today. I hope you will join me in wishing him a Great Day.