Wall Street behind closed doors

Here’s something to make your eyes water and wobble: In March of this year,
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation said the number of weak US banks had risen by eight to 52 in the final three months of 2023. That’s not so much a small step for mankind as a giant leap into a Black Hole.

Borrowing delinquency on every type of loan rose, but new borrowers were wary: losses rose, demand fell, and lenders failed.

But even with 52 banks on the naughty step, they still represented only 0.2 per cent of the entire US banking sector’s total assets of around $330 trillion.

Jerome Powell at the Fed describes himself in public as “mildly pessimistic”, which is one of those unintentionally ironic blah-blahs like “vaguely suicidal”, “slightly pregnant” or even “The world is being run by a coven of Satans. Thank God I’m an atheist”.

Even if Powell is a bit of a tit, it is sometimes flattering to hear from insiders that – given his private utterences – FedHead and The Slog share a surprisingly wide range of critical positions….such as

* Biden is being ‘run’ by people who never had to face The People and get elected

* These secret State spooks run Oval Office policy with the goal of preparing for war, rather than actions to mitigate the inevitable Stagflation caused by squeezed blue-collar incomes on the one hand [30 percent less real spending power since 2002] and rising prices on the other: we’ve not been allowed to see the month-on-month inflation acceleration in Q1, but trust me, it’s bloody.

* Washington spending is completely out of control in the context of the ‘Dollar Doom’ created by the Brics’ new transaction currency….and predicted by The Slog last week.

* As Jerome Powell faces heightened pressure from Democrats who want interest-rate cuts to keep the economy booming in an election year, in April Powell told the media he had not, at the time, enough econo-fiscal data to report back on Q1 2024.

This was a lie to hide several Top Secret exchanges of electronic vitriol between the Federal Reserve and the White House.

Jerome Powell in private refers to Bidenomics as “a kid playing with magnets that are bound to attract Stagflation”.

I would advise Jerome Powell not to drive anywhere unaccompanied.

Meanwhile……what next? Trying to single out a “best” option for the next move of the mad folks is a waste of effort, because while they have myriad choices, we [by contrast] don’t have the experts on board to say which one(s) they will choose. Sabotage right across the board of possibilities is therefore the only course available for genuine free-speech democrats.

The plotters must be rendered far more scared, confused, divided and reticent than they are now.

The key words above are not “sabotage”, but “across the board”; because these people have a near infinite number of ways they can win this War of the World, and they have the power to move down several dark alleyways at one and the same time.

If we put all the money into stopping an invasion of Russia and unmasking the corrupt Zelenskyy for the powder-addicted fake he is – and at last the Sheeple spot what’s happening – there’ll be another Gatesist “vaccine” against a mystery virus just around the corner.

If the abnormally high temperatures pertaining at the moment in Africa and India recur during 2025, our ability to move swiftly against any fakery will be controlled by curfews and other travel forms to keep us in a cage. If that doesn’t cut it, Trump will be framed along with Putin for developing a clean nuclear weapon to take out the White House/Washington establishment as the prelude to a Sino-Russian takeover.

If that’s too silly for even the Dumbos to get behind, there could be a false-flag event in Crimea whereby bioweaponry “developed by Beijing” (but in reality, given away by the Fauci Faustus creeping holocaust during “gain of function” discussions) wipes out the population there, and Biden cancels the POTUS elections because of the global crisis.

We need to grow up and – not comply with, but accept that – far-fetched sci-fi is now a real part of Life on Earth.

Consider – the totalitarian US unelected EUNATO complex has:

* Complete control of media content through mega investment house bourse control

* The power to track, trace and establish the exact location of every human on Earth – via the Phoneco and multivariate functionality Smartphone hitech portable data, vision and voice combos developed by Silicon Valley

* Rapidly developing near-perfect ability to use digital photography tricks in order to banish all doubt about the when, where and how counterfeit presence of human beings in a casual shot [‘snap’ as we used to say] came to take place

* The freedom to take a medical photograph [it really doesn’t matter of what] and lie about whether the substance in the shot is the deadly virus X, a “vaccine” against X, or an untested mRNA that turns turns out to be a catalyst that will accelerate death from cancer….but you’re very happy with the publicity shot because, in the name of Big Pharma, you have 100 per cent immunity from prosecution

* A massive file on the peccadilloes of every last elected “representative” of The People’s legislature who has even the smallest scintilla of decency in his or her soul, who can be manipulated this way and that via the use of heinous blackmail to do almost anything to hide the representative’s sexuality….thus sparing his or her family’s feelings.

Many forms of sexual depravity are both harmful and inappropriate. By contrast, a northern Irish MP of long acquaintance has been such a victim of harmless lesbian preferences for many years. It’s a travesty, but not one about which the Secret Services lose much sleep.

Is seeing everyone else as your enemy paranoid? Do you have to be mad if your way of saying thank you to one of the most popular Presidents in US history is to blow him away in broad daylight? When individual wealth outstrips government’s power to protect a free press, how in blithering Hell can you continue to believe that we live in a democracy where richesse carries with it accountability? Surely one is entitled to remark upon the pc hypocrites’ somewhat wonky cognitive systems if they insist that there are five genders and Putin is the dangerous madman, not them?

As the evidence builds, the only difference between Homo sapiens in 1914 in Sarajevo and 2014 in the Ukraine is that – for those who see their job as lying and controlling with the aid of sophisticated digital technology, the desire to make the lies bigger and the controls ever more invasive has been made something of a cinch over that century.

Like it or not, those who believe in the Good Lie have always been with us. Inviting the WW1 U-Boats to sink the Lusitania in 1916 (having packed it with contraband munitions) brought the US into the War to End all Wars. In 1941, FDR knew perfectly well that the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor, but he put his telescope to the patched eye and connived with Churchill to get the US Isolationist Congress into WW2.

As for 9/11 and many tricky to explain investment calls on that day, I am now, 23 years later, convinced that the Unelected State knew exactly what Al Quieda was going to do, and did nothing to stop it.

But Dubya Bush wasn’t in on the conspiracy. Dubya’s acting ability was neither based on attending RADA, nor diligent attendance at Actor’s Studio courses. Watch the footage as, while attending a routine meet-and-greet High School visit, the 9/11 events begin to leak out: his minders abruptly interrupt the ceremony and usher him out of the Assembly, muttering “MuzPrezdayent, Airfoce1 hayaz to get in de air rart niow”. Bush Jr shows stark fear in his eyes: he genuinely hasn’t the faintest idea what’s going on.

​Towards the End of Dwight Eisenhower’s Presidency, the CIA in concert with the Pentagon came up with endless half-baked schemes to invade Cuba and knock off the infamous Fidel Castro. But by this point, Ike’s wisdom had become even more crucial. Once JFK had been elected President in Waiting, Ike arranged a bug-free briefing for the new President on a private golf club’s 18th hole and kept it clear and brief: “the danger is here at home, not in Moscow. There is a business-Pentagon Alliance that is at one and the same time ruthless, and consumed with power-lust”.

From that time onwards, it became normal practice to keep every POTUS either uninformed and/or disinformed about CIA/EUNATO/Pentagon psy-ops. Note this recent Slogpost about means and ends.

And so – on into the 21st Century – we had a 2004 investigation of Weapons of Mass Destruction [WOMD] in Iraq which concluded:

“The Committee identified numerous failures in the intelligence-gathering and analysis process. The report found that these failures led to the creation of inaccurate materials that misled both government policy makers and the American public.”

Cutting through the Bull manure re this one, it’s very important to remember the colossal size of the lie involved. The WOMD that Blair told us could turn EU territories into a nuclear pancake was an utter falsehood from start to finish; and the Shock & Awe that produced exactly one [1] rocket powered bicycle didn’t really warrant the Victory ceremony in April 2004 reassuring Western electorates that the Iraqi campaign had saved EU citizens from nuclear immolation.

So, 2014 brought a brokered peace agreement between Russia and the Ukraine with covert US forces encouraging and organising flagrant attacks on the Russian-speaking citizens, while busily using bioweapon research labs between Kiov and Korkiv. An entire planet to choose from, and US military “defence” officials chose sites for these labs less than five kilometres from the RF borders. Imagine that, eh? Obsessive and eccentric perhaps?

One tries not to lapse into cynicism, but the effort required becomes increasingly painful as each Washington Post example of American neocon diplomatic propaganda becomes more nonsensical than the previous CNN whitewash.

But common sense is bound to prevail in the end: money proffers power. In large enough dollops, it can take an interest group soaring way, way beyond the Rule of Law. Perhaps above all, it produces Special Relationships that give tiny Island nations like the UK delusions of grandeur.

So it’s hard to resist the irony that the next General Election – our Man at the Top Vichy Sunak has announced – will be on 4th July…..American Independence Day. It would be nice, would it not, to be able to say “Congratulations” to the USA on being just two years away from its 250th year of “freedom” from the Wicked British Empire.

But I’d also love to to be able to ask, “Can you please now plough your own furrow and leave us the fuck alone?”

Since WWII, you have plundered German Nazi rocket scientists, pushed us into the Front Line against Korea, run away at great speed from Islamist terrorism on the London Underground, given vast funds to the IRA, developed nasty mRNA poisons disguised as “vaccines”, offered complete immunity from prosecution to the largely un-trialed experiments of Big Pharma and now – having been beneficent to defeated Nazi Germany [but not given a pfennig in Marshall Aid to Washington’s most steadfast Anglophile ally the United Kingdom] looking on from the isolationist distance of 1939-41 as the Luftwaffe mercilessly bombed British cities with impunity.

Money comes from well-run business. Germans are good at business, and very good at the detail of product quality.

The US after the War did not bet the farm on its especially related Blighty: it took a long slow look at when the Brits wake up in the morning, and decided in favour of the fleissig robotics of the Germans. American officials do not honour long-term friendship…primarily, they follow the munneee and Hoover up all the secret technology that can bring them an advantage in the next war…and the one after that, ad nauseam.

It is, for example, hard for an old fart like me watch as the US Secret State plundered Nazi mass murder science and ICBM nuclear deliverability technology, but felt at ease with the idea of blowing up Germany’s gas supply to keep Berlin on message as an “ally” against the Satanic Putin.

Meanwhile back in the Land of the Free, Round 1 in the mixed martial arts Get Trump World Series is over: Trump was found guilty of giving hush money to his sexual partner. He is highly unlikely to face a prison sentence and will appeal the case. The GOP will choose him as their candidate anyway.

The rest, as I explained earlier in this post, remains guesswork.