Egypt’s leader springs something not entirely surprising

Tens of thousands of people streamed into Egypt’s Tahrir Square on Friday, angrily denouncing President Mohamed Morsi, and the hasty passage of a draft constitution written by a largely Islamist assembly.

Mohamed Morsi of Egypt comes from a similar tradition to that being unequivocally backed by the US government. Within a very short space of time, this man has put together a near Tsarist constitution in his favour. Key elements of this include the installation of Sharia Law as the permanent form of legality, and a threat from the Consitutional Court to dissolve the national assembly if it doesn’t agree to that.

Meanwhile, Egypt’s real judiciary is in a stand-off with President Morsi after he granted himself sweeping new powers. Liberal, left-wing and Christian members have boycotted the assembly, accusing the Islamists of trying to impose their vision.

It really does make one wonder if our Western media and the US/UK axis of specialist relationshipness have the faintest idea WTF they are about. But then, these were the wombats who declared an Arab Spring just over eighteen months ago.

Naivety or opportunism? The jury’s out.