Douglas Carswell exits the Tories, will stand for Clacton in by-election

I should’ve twigged this when, three weeks ago, Douglas Carswell suddenly blocked me on Twitter. There are some who refer to Douglas as a libertarian, but that’s not the sort of thing libertarians do….and anyway, he isn’t one. But during that week, I had launched a particularly vitriolic attack on Nigel Barrage. I didn’t make the connection.

Anyway, Mr Carswell is now a Ukipper, and about to stand in that role for Clacton. Given that means an immediate by-election, one might place a bet on him becoming UKip’s first MP: he has a majority of 12,000, and it would take an awful lot of defections (plus zero UKip support) to overturn that.

Something for Camerlot to think about.