SATURDAY ESSAY: the barely hidden allegiance of Theresa May, Leo Varadkar and our media to unelected power

me4 Many contemporary internet commentators refer to the ‘Deep State’ and ‘hidden enemies’ among the officials we elect and employ in public life. There is nothing deeply or even superficially hidden about most of them: everything they say is designed to reassure us, but everything they do is bound to enslave us. It is time for ordinary citizens to set aside their smug assumptions and distractions….and wake up to the persistent encroachment of monied power.

I found it deeply depressing last Monday to hear our Prime Minister trotting out the standard Pentagon/neocon/CIA line on Russians “interfering in elections”. Worse still was May’s cringe-inducing delivery of a personal threat to Vladimir Putin via the medium of headmistress telling naughty boy he’s been rumbled. It was truly embarassing.

It’s an open secret in Whiteminster that Mother Theresa went native within seconds of becoming Home Secretary in 2010. Lest we forget, she spent six uninterrupted years in the job, and this enabled her to both make contacts and garner power as no Home Secretary has even done before.

I was appalled at the ease with which she smeared her way into Number Ten, having blatantly avoided a grass-roots Party election during which, she knew, her candidacy would come unstuck. There is no doubt in my mind that she did this with the help of surveillance information, and even less doubt that she was very much the preferred Military Intelligence/GCHQ/Special Branch/NATO Alt State leader.

Ironically, she’s now caught between the all-seeing devil and the deep blue sea of Tory Leavers – and what a mangled catacomb of selfish, sociopathic intrigue it all is.

By far the nastiest neoliberal in the Party (after Michael Fallon) is Philip Hammond, with whom she was happy to coexist – as their initial plan was clearly to sabotage Brexit at every possible turn. But Hammond quickly realised the PM had underestimated the strength of those big beasts and backbenchers variously looking to Boris Johnson, David Davis and Michael Gove as keepers of the Brexit Seal.

She desperately wanted to keep her job, but Hammond wants it for himself.
S o the latter pursued his policy of Treasury leaks, non-preparation and briefings against Johnson with ever-increasing vigour. As he had hoped, May thus found herself being coshed by spooks, Leavers and the machinations of Senior Sir Humphreys.

In reality, the Prime Minister would be very happy as a fulltime Neocon megaphone – partly because she’d be genuinely comfortable in the role, and also because she has always felt that Europe’s future lies in Washington and Brussels. She was, for example, very quick to point out that she did not like the cut of Donald Trump’s jib at all: as Home Secretary, she developed a close relationship with the people around Clinton, because NATO and the security services are umbilically tied to that merry band. She also gets the same vibes from her husband – a senior financier familiar with Wall Street, card-carrying Friedmanite globalist, and Clinton fan.

May knew that the only personal road to peace and security would be to win an election in her own right. As Labour looked at the time to be having a box-til-you-drop row between neoliberal collaborationists and the equally unpleasant firebrand MP/Momentum Yoof wing, it looked like an open-goal for the opportunist in Downing Street.

Here again, however, you have to examine the advice she sought along the way. Her personal political Troika of advisors were, unsurprisingly, gung-ho about the snap election solution. Party polls (paid for, I understand, in a somewhat irregular fashion) suggested very strongly that Labour under Corbyn was doomed and disorganised. Her Home Office inner circle also gave May sight of intelligence suggesting that mud thrown against Momentum’s wall of propaganda hype would stick. And half a dozen soundings taken from all Cabinet tendencies illustrated that they were very much up for kicking an Opposition trailing by 21 points in the balls.

But as is so often the case, the intelligence-gathering proved to be narrow. Jeremy Corbyn had in fact given his full support to using the Net-savvy ideas of Momentum, while beefing up the technology behind physical grassroots action. May herself chose not to use the Momentum data, which she saw as unnecessary in what was “likely to be a walkover”. And the Theresa Troika completely missed the electoral significance of UKIP’s decision to keep a low profile.

It was fashionable last year to see the Troika – Fiona Hill, Nick Timothy and Stephen Parkinson – as “bombproof” special advisors to the Prime Minister. But Hill was aced out following a leaks scandal manufactured by bitter Whitehall veterans, and those Tories baying for blood after the election débacle did for Timothy and Parkinson in short order.

It is at this point we see the Unelected Class tightening its grip on Theresa May. They had urged her to play safe and simply associate Labour with economic and Brexit chaos; she in turn exacerbated this foolish advice by engaging in robotic and simplistic soundbites that underestimated the resentment and common sense of Waspi voters. The agitprop naivety of young voters was also underestimated: as Momentum transformed Corbyn into Jeremy the Nazarene, UKIP’s older working class sheep flocked back to Labour as the best means of beheading the wolf. In turn, a vast number of traditionally Conservative but now disillusioned Waspi victims switched to Corbyn for the same reason.

Far from wanting a stronger hand in the Brexit negotiations, Hammond, May and Whitehall had sought carte blanche to obstruct, delay and dilute Brexit in the shadows, while purging Leavers once the PM had a nice fat 110 majority in the Commons. But the disastrous failure of the election strategy jolted the Secret State: they were now profoundly worried that their Theresa would rapidly fall, and chaotic elections for the leadership would follow.

The quite bad outcome might be either Boris Johnson or Jacob Rees-Mogg as Prime Minister. The very bad outcome could easily be Jeremy Corbyn riding into Downing Street.

At first, there were strong reports that May could not possibly survive. Following the election result, media as disparate as Newsweek, the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, the Independent, The Week and the New Statesman all used phrases like “lame duck”, “doomed” and “unlikely to survive”. As late as September 2017, “between 50 and 70” Conservative MPs wanted her out, and a further 30-40 felt she should be challenged.

But it hasn’t happened. When Grant Shapps (an appalling toe-rag at the best of times) tried to rally the discontent, a series of leaks went out to the media. They represented what Shapps called a “deliberate attempt to vilify those who wanted to speak to the Prime Minister about their concerns”. This was then presented in the media as ‘concerted self defence by Number 10′, but it was more than that: at least three Tory backbenchers were viciously threatened with revelations by the Whips’ Office. The degree of complicity between Whips and the UK security services is a long-established fact…..supported in this case by the fact that the Whips had intelligence obviously based on surveillance.

Nor is the surveillance community’s Parliamentary infiltration restricted to Whips: MI5 routinely backs (through intermediaries) a number of candidates at all General Elections….and if that doesn’t work, it recruits them once elected. Readers should not be surprised or incredulous about this; it is in effect no different to being GMB sponsored in Labour, or having consultancy contracts with the US arms industry in the manner of John McCain. But in the case of the Grant Shapps Plot, it resulted in some Tory MPs orchestrating what he called “the most vile abuse of my political life”. And let’s face it, Mr Shapps has been the recipient of some top-notch (albeit thoroughly deserved) vituperation during his career.

While MI5 is technically responsible for gathering domestic “intelligence”, MI6 liaises closely with its fellow organisations abroad. Pretty much the entire population of Whitehall’s senior Administrative level, is (like the CIA, NATO and the State Department) vehemently opposed to Brexit in particular, and the elevation to power of anyone outside the Bought Club in general. As Brexit has unfolded, the main players in the European Commission have consistently worked, in concert with Eurospooks, to ensure that Theresa May is weakened in her negotiating position, but at the same time unassailable domestically.

Unassailable? How so? The line followed has been classic TINA (There Is No Alternative): dumping May would be a disaster. Well, dumping May now might qualify for that prediction…but last June? Last June, most opeds thought she was dead meat already.

Observe the way in which Party-Line EU site asserted that UK Conservatives were ‘not in the mood to oust Theresa May’, or the way in which Tory MP Keith Simpson (who he?) strode forward to defend Mrs May, claiming her position is “relatively secure”. The Irish Times took a spookily identical view, and The Times called her “too strong to replace but too weak to lead”….a perfect summation of the Commission’s gambit.

Brussels has used media placements to further this end for years. As with multinational business and national legislators, its security services variously flatter, bankroll or operate an unknown number of journalists and other sought-after media commentators. The rentaview German pr consultant Nina Schick carries all the hallmarks of such people. Again, you shouldn’t be surprised: the UK security services have been running hacks like Telegraph journalist Con Coughlin forever. And the Telegraph owners themselves have been caught in flagrante offering the likes of HSBC favourable editorial content in return for filthy lucre.

How bizarre and laughable it therefore is that our Prime Minister has the gall to accuse Vladimir Putin of “interference in our socio-political processes”. This is not to say I think she’s wrong, but rather to suggest that myriad others have their long noses far closer to the grindstone than Vlad Rasputin the Demon Impaler.

Compare and contrast the risible whoring of Theresa Mayormaynot with Wednesday’s amazing speech from Nigel Farage in the European Parliament. He stood apart by pointing out the pernicious influence of George Soros in Brussels, and was heckled by Guy Verhofstadt’s morally arid cry of “So what?” Farage replied, “You would say that” and soldiered on. It was a pleasure to watch the Belgian Carpetbagger cut down to size.

Two days later – after the EC “negotiators” had yet again turned down Britain’s new divorce setllement flat – Sky News interviewed Irish PM Leo Varadkar. The taoiseach offered this quite incredible response: [my emphases]

“Well now, after forty years of largely mutually beneficial marriage, the British have decided they want a divorce, and thus hope to have an open marriage the next day, having imposed the separation on 27 other nations…”

It pains me to ask this question, but how and why in God’s name did the country that spawned my genes manage to elect this pathetic little rent boy? I was moved to hoist an objectionable but justified satire on Twitter:

Varadkar & Verhoftwat

For the leader of a country that fought long and hard for freedom from the British Empire to then align itself with another wannabe empire is, I suppose, on a par with separatist Scots who just can’t wait to become another “region” under the jackboot of Brussels and its Alt State allies. But I doubt very much indeed if Varadkar speaks for the Irish in this matter – any more than Scottish Nazi Party leader Nicola Sturgeon speaks for the majority north of the Border. Nor indeed do the Catalan separatists speak for the majority in Catalonia. And yet in all three cases, they seem keen to embrace the deathly-cold grip of the EUnatics.

I used to find this cognitive dissonance baffling, but not any more. I spent time in Greece during 2012-13, and came face to face with the greed of upper-middle class professionals there still desperate to retain their tickets to ride on the neocon NATO gravy train. They voted Nia Demokrita in a bid to sustain the obesity of their wallets; now they smirk in private at how easily the cadres answerable to Tsipras have succumbed to a combination of cosh and cigarettes from Brussels-am-Berlin via Bankfurt and Wall Street.

Yesterday, I posted this here about the unelected power of the élites:

‘There is no ‘grand plan’ in a concerted, conspiratorial sense. But there are people on this Earth with common objectives and similar mental disorders. They exist primarily in the banking system, all forms of surveillance, the military, global business combines and the fossil energy/Jihadism complex. And they have the full set of whores working for them: politicians, senior bureaucrats, media moguls,  police, hitech in general, the main ISPs in particular, and the judiciary.’

“Harken not unto what they say, but rather observe how they behave and react”. For four decades, this has been the most important motto I have. People in public life lie through their mealy mouths, but give themselves away through their actions.