COVID INVESTIGATION, Pt 2: Matthew Hancloak, the devil not entirely in disguise

People might like to see Matthew Hancock as a bungling idiot out of his depth. But slowly emerging evidence suggests that he does know what he’s doing – it’s just not what he’s paid to do. The Slog reveals who the Health Secretary works for, and why they value his contribution.

Frequently, when dealing with a Hancock edict and/or obvious lie, one has to judge: is he just an incompetent prat, or did he say something a bit dodgey for the common good, or is he working to another agenda? To take one infamous example as a pointer: Dr Malcolm Kendrick – highly respected author of the book Doctoring Data – had this to say about the Health Secretary’s disastrous actions in relation to Elderly Care homes at the outset of Covid19: [my emphases]

‘The Health Secretary claims he “tried” to throw a protective ring around care homes but, from my experience in the early days of the pandemic, he couldn’t have come up with a more disastrous and deadly policy. As a GP working mainly with elderly patients in care homes and intermediate care I witnessed, at first hand, the absolute disaster that was the government policy at the start of the Covid-19 outbreak. Elderly patients who were Covid-19 positive, or not tested, were simply shovelled out of hospitals and into care homes…..In fact, if you wanted to design a system of ensuring that every single vulnerable person in the country gained full exposure to Covid-19, you could not have done a better job. He put in place policies that were directly responsible for the massive number of deaths in care homes’.

According to the Nuffield Trust, ‘The burden of the virus fell much more severely on care homes (relative to the population generally) in the first wave. Of the 48,213 Covid deaths registered between mid-March and mid-June 2020, 40% were care home residents.

An astonishing statistic….and yet spookily similar to deaths in the much hyped ‘Second Wave’ – which, as early as October 2020, was showing 25% of Covid victims were HAI (NHS Hospital Acquired Infection) a figure that rose to 40% by the end of the year.

So far, 127,970 people have died “with/of” Covid19 in the UK, with a total HAI figure in the region of 22,000, plus 19,200 in the care sector.

In short, 25% of all Covid-related mortalities were due to appalling abuse of care home residents, poor supply of hospital PPE and generally low standards of hospital hygiene. Not great on the lifesaving front, but a good way of helping to create the “deadly killer” myth.

All on Hancock’s watch. Much of which explains why Boris Johnson allegedly told Dominic Cummings that Our Matt was “fucking hopeless”. Yet he survived intact – partly via a series of blatant lies….and partly for reasons upon which I will now expand.

It is, based on evidence I’ve gathered over the last four days, almost impossible to maintain the fiction that Matthew Hancock is merely a dissembling oily rag who made silly errors – a prat out of his depth who doesn’t really understand virology, or grasp the faith of certain members of the global medical research community in ‘Messenger RNA’ as a weapon in biotech medicine.

In fact, quite the opposite is true: from 2016 to 2018, he was Minister of State for Digital, Cyber and the Tech industry. He was a very early adopter of Artificial Intelligence (AI)…and, despite not as yet being a Secretary of State, the icy embrace of the WEF’s fuhrer Klaus Schwab came his way. He’s been a keynote attendee at the annual Schwaboree ever since.

This is Matt & Klaus sharing a file or two in January 2018 – five months before Hancock was made Health Secretary….and fully two years before Covid miraculously appeared.

Note Hancock’s tweet stressing the Fourth Industrial Revolution, AI and working ever more closely with Mr Bonkers and his merry men.

Some people on Twitter were convinced the week before last that they had Mad Matt by the gonads, having seen a WEF clip with the lad ‘imself boasting of being “a proud shareholder” in Genomics England. In fact, secretaries of State always have a purely nominal ‘golden share’ in any State funded entity. As always, the ‘fact’ checkers at Reuters made a meal of the point.

But two elements were missed by those who thought they’d caught Hancock in the act.

First, he mentioned the Genomics company in the context of a biotech WEF debate on 5th February 2019 (a year before Covid) about plans to genomically sequence all children at birth – ostensibly as a protection, but in reality just another dimension of ‘data dystopia’.

And second, he hosted another forum there five days later on the subject of AMR (Anti Microbial Resistance) – a UK Government plan to “contain and control” the syndrome whereby antibiotics overuse has led to infective agents gaining complete resistance to them….a problem caused by oversell Big Pharma marketing zeal in the first place.

Notable in this second session was the obvious potential of this to become yet another fear weapon to justify data control: “I shudder to think of a world without AMR,” said Hancock, “so an urgent global response to this serious threat is required…a threat up there with climate change and war.” As only drama-queen signaller Matt can, he added, “I couldn’t look my children in the eye if I did nothing”.

The point however is this: Hancock was parroting the WEF agenda word for word….exactly as he had in 2018. He is an adopted son of WEF because he has the perfect blend of digital data knowledge – not just because he is the UK Health Secretary.

The hypocrisy goes further when one realises that this man who tells us, “Every day I wake up asking how I can save more lives” is in fact party to a long-term Tory strategy aimed at creeping privatisation of the NHS. Whether we like it or not, the study and mapping of DNA (Genomics) and the development of AMR are seen by the Establishment as not only the future of medicine, but also by far the most potentially lucrative.

Both fields have been made into companies with a formation structure that would enable them to be spun off into private hands very easily. Genomics England in particular was founded in 2013 by our old peddler of mendacity and shameless user of nepotism, Jeremy Hunt. There is no rationale for these spin-offs other than as ways to reward the greedy. I confess to finding myself more and more angry that Her Majesty’s Opposition can’t see this plan staring them in the face…choosing instead to back the Johnson Administration as Contrick19 continues, while taking knees everywhere and supporting Antifa/BLM thugs.

But we digress: the fact remains that within three months of his Health promotion, the U.K.’s Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, announced that the programme had been expanded with a new goal of sequencing five million genomes within five years. He also announced that starting in 2019, the NHS will offer whole genome sequencing (WGS) to all children suspected of * having a rare genetic disease or cancer. [*Phrases like ‘define suspected’ and ‘thin end of the wedge’ spring to mind]

Let’s summarise and build on where we are, because this is a complex subject. Two years before the “pandemic”, Hancock inherits (and lauds) the Genomics England caper, where the central focus is to do with the fact that “an enzyme copies the information in a gene’s DNA into a molecule called messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). The mRNA travels out of the nucleus and into the cell’s cytoplasm, where the mRNA is read by a tiny molecular machine called a ribosome, and the information is used to link together small molecules called amino acids in the right order to form a specific protein”.

So long before he meets the cowboys at Oxford Recovery, Matt is clued up about messenger vaccines. From here on, he’s not “following the science”, he’s following his own rather odd genomic convictions….and of course, the Muunnneeee. For GE “partners” (there’s that word again) with US private company Illumina, and the Wellcome Trust announces a £27 million investment in a genome-sequencing hub for Genomics England, allowing GE to become part of the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, home to the Sanger Institute.

In late 2019, the Wellcome Sanger Institute was accused of trying to monetise “a medical tool” without having any legal right to do so under the Wellcome Sanger Institute’s articles of association. More precisely, whistleblowers accused the Institute of commercialising a gene chip without proper legal agreements with partner institutions and without the consent of the hundreds of African people whose donated DNA was used to develop the chip. “What happened at Sanger was clearly unethical. Full stop,” said Jantina de Vries, a bioethicist at the University of Cape Town in South Africa.

It’s odd, isn’t it, how counterintuitive malpractice and personally invasive “tools” seem to follow Secretary Hancock around. The key questions are, how was the chip to be monetised – as data or medicine; where was it to be inserted; and on who and for what reason? Unethical designs on innocent Africans….it’s all somewhat Bill Gates. Once again, there was more of the collaborations, and partnering thing: Sanger commissioned Thermo Fisher Scientific to make 75,000 gene chips for them based on African genomic data gathered through several collaborations. Working with a unit of the Medical Research Council in Entebbe, Uganda, Sanger sequenced nearly 2100 genomes of Ugandan people. To capture more of the variation on the continent, they partnered with other institutions in Africa to sequence the genomes of about 400 more people.

Matthew Hancock’s own immediate family represents the final piece in this jigsaw: Hancock is an accomplished techie born and raised in the software family that created Border Business Systems. One of its specialities is the provision of profiling data for unsolicited direct marketing to consumer prospects. I have skin in this to the extent that I left the marketing profession in 2000 primarily because I had grave doubts about personal data getting into the wrong hands, and was less than impressed with the ethics of those engaged in it. The internet explosion has only excerbated the surveillance problem this so very clearly represents.

The point is that Hancock is a talented data-miner who worked at BBS to good effect throughout his youth; and one feature of the vaccine marketing we have seen is aggressive email and phone direct marketing of ‘the Jab’ designed to hype the safety of the formulations involved and disguise any and all negative safety issues. A recent Inquiry declared the methods used “totalitarian”. They are also amoral.

Everywhere one looks in the Hancock Files, there are smelly things. Public contract records show that the company Topwood (owned by his sister) was awarded a place in the Shared Business Services framework as a potential supplier for NHS local trusts in 2019, the year after Mr Hancock became health secretary. In March 2020, he declared he had acquired more than 15% of Topwood. It then went on to win £300,000 of business from NHS Wales.

He lied to the Commons about vaccine approvals, he shed crocodile tears on the BBCNews; he tried to make political capital out of the death of a step-grandfather from Covid, his relationship with whom was obviously exaggerated; his use of lachrymose appeals is both risible and an insult to the voters; he lied about the development of vaccines “purely for the most vulnerable”; he remains devious on the subject of vaccine deaths and side-effects; a High Court judge ruled that he “acted unlawfully in not divulging the winners of Covid19 contracts”; and immediately after his promotion to Health Secretary, Hancock accepted £32,000 from the chairman of a think-tank which wants to scrap the NHS, also accepting £5,000 from the director of a private nursing firm which supplies agency workers to the health service.

Yet he is still there. Johnson (whatever he says in public) would love to fire him….but Hancock’s Great Reset network renders him bombproof. That network includes Mrs Johnson…and together, they made Dom Cummings history.

This extract from yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph sums up Hancock’s achievement, firmly by the side of the Pharma-funded health bureaucrat fanatics:

With “freedom day” postponed to July 19 at best, the mood in the UK feels subdued. Despite 62 per cent of the population having had at least one jab of vaccine and 45 per cent being fully vaccinated, the country is falling behind its peers. “The British are worrying more than any other country,” said Prof Tim Spector, creator of the Zoe Symptom Study app, “We seem to be much more receptive to the doomsday scenarios.”

Britain is being turned into a test-case for the dystopian reality manipulators….just as Greece was used by Eurobankers as a learning experience for how to create a dysfunctional State. Hancock is not playing for the UK. He’s not even playing for Boris Johnson plc. Rather, he is systematically pursuing an agenda of censoring the good news and hyping the bad. This from yesterday’s Evening Standard….let’s face it, hardly a bastion of “wild conspiracy theory”:


(1) Did you know that serial social media abuser Hancock forbids all three of his children to have access to it?

(2) In January 2018, Hancock told the WEF, “We are in the midst of fundamental change, as the cost of storing and transmitting information plunges….You could call it the fourth industrial revolution for government, and it will be those that adopt this digital technology that will thrive…Digital technology is a powerful force for good. Combined with new technologies such as artificial intelligence, it is set to change society perhaps more than any previous technological revolution…But alongside these new opportunities come new challenges and risks…the internet can be used to spread terrorist material; it can be a tool for abuse and bullying; it can undermine civil discourse and objective news…our core purpose is to make the internet work for everyone…to cherish freedom, but not the freedom to harm others.” If ever one could see a censorious sociopath coming……well, you just read it.

(3) Last week, Hancock felt safe enough to tell the Commons that the NHS had no duty of care to those who refuse the vaccines that aren’t vaccines. So the British Secretary for Health feels no loyalty at all to those who can think, and has effectively abolished the Hippocratic Oath. Hello Labour Party? Hellooo….