Exclusive reaction from Covid19 molecules

After a chance encounter with two medics, The Slog concludes that a vaccine is only a vaccine when it isn’t a vaccine. Except when it is for political reasons. But as that still doesn’t make it a vaccine, we must conclude that an experiment on animals is a vaccine. Except when it isn’t.

A Dutch couple on a walking holiday passed by my place here yesterday. They preferred to speak English (sometimes, for me this is a blessed relief) and having exchanged pleasantries, they told me what a nice house I have, and I said thanks – what do you do when not walking? Turned out they both work in healthcare. I can pick ’em.

You’ll never guess what we talked about. Are you vaccinated, they asked? No, I replied. We are, they stated. Well, I answered, smiling, I promise not to infect you. Oh (they said in unison) we’re not at risk – but you are.

I sighed inwardly. I find that being outward with one’s sighs when debating vaccination is not a good idea: inward is safer.

“I really don’t care,” I began….

“Ohbutyooshudyooshud,” came back in synchronised stereo.

“I’m 73,” I said, “I’ll take my chances”.

And so the lecture began.

The argument they put forward was a familiar one. Actually, ‘familiar’ doesn’t begin to describe it: much closer would be ‘when a little child tells the same joke over and over because it got a laugh the first time’. Not so much familiar as ‘tiresomely muddled’.

“Well,” began the lady (a gp), “We can still infect you because we’ve been vaccinated, so you must get vaccinated too, and then we’re all safe”. The husband (a bureaucrat) nodded with a slightly disturbing level of enthusiasm.

I blinked. My smile was imploding to the point of pursed lips.

“Right,” I said, “so because the vaccine isn’t a vaccine and doesn’t stop spread, I should get vaccinated and – with a thirty per cent likelihood – catch Covid19 anyway because I’m not really vaccinated, and after which I’ll still be infectious. So we all walk around feeling safe, while busily infecting not only the unvaccinated but also people who’ve been vaccinated and aren’t immune because it isn’t a vaccine. Is that it?”

Hubby shook his head.

“You must understand,” he demanded, “we can only work with the tools we have”.

“That’s fair,” I lied, “but why not use HCQ or Ivermectin, both of which cut the death rate by 60-70% very cheaply…”

The couple grimaced at the sound of such management drugs. It was as if I had said, “Surely it would be better if we summoned up the Master from Below, he of the cloven hoof, and let him have his way with thirty virgins before we sacrifice them in a needless display of psycho-Satanism?”

But because I’m an idiot, I ploughed on.

“….and how come these drugs have produced lower death rates in Turkey, India and China, and if only 15% of the population are vulnerable, why did we not make them the sole priority. Why shut entire economies down?”

The rejoinder was predictable: because economically active younger workers can infect granny.

“But if granny has been successfully immunised, they can’t do that can they?”

One of the grossly overused propaganda tools of the last six months has been poor little granny. At times – especially when I hear ethically unsound, brainless MPs using the device – the image conjured up is of a tiny bent-double old Greek lady dressed entirely in black cowering in a corner while gangs of nasty unvaccinated zealots spit on her. The mother of my children has been a granny for over a decade – and trust me, if anyone spat on her, I wouldn’t fancy their chances.

The exchange nevertheless served a purpose: it reminded me of the lunacy at the epicentre of the vaccination argument….viz, a jab that can’t guarantee immunity, doesn’t stop spreading – and is going to need boosters – is not a vaccine. Not in any accepted sense of the medical term: not sixty years ago, not today – or in any future where sanity has been restored.

Sticking out in all directions from that central sphere (like so many spike proteins) are a dozen or more questions ranging from psychiatric, social and economic consequences through to shrouds of secrecy, endless politico-medical lies and blatant conflicts of funding interest among researchers. But the biggy remains the same: we call something a vaccine and hardsell it as a vaccine, but it isn’t a vaccine: it’s a hugely expensive mRNA mechanism that is entirely experimental, with several side-effects suggesting umpteen possible longer term risks. The end gains/loss argument is more empty than the Zimbabwean Treasury.

We are experimenting on animals. But this time, the species is Homo sapiens. How odd, then, that we have heard so little over the past year from the Animal Rights movement.

They were a nice couple, and they meant well. However, my stream of objection led, after ten minutes, to anxious glances at watches, and “…we really must continue our walk before it gets too hot”. We parted on excellent terms. In fact, they told me, “We’re amazed that you’re 73…you really don’t look it”. It was probably a case of ‘be sincere even if you don’t mean it’.

Yesterday afternoon in the US, the FDA gave full and final approval to the Pfizer jab that isn’t a vaccine. No data or evidence in support was supplied. The building was not stormed by frenzied sans culottes screaming for Fauci’s head.

Here in France, widespread demonstrations continue for the sixth weekend in a row – either blanked or smeared by the MSM. Hundreds of thousands of people have attended them. The anti-Semitic fallacy covered here yesterday has been adopted globally by the media. Macron shows no sign of being even remotely bothered by les manifs.

Australia and New Zealand’s Establishment are following certifiable policies of repression – with thuggish police forces to match.

In England, the Telegraph has seen leaked data showing a government estimation that its mandatory vaccination policy will result in around 40,000 care home staff –seven per cent – either quitting or being sacked, costing the embattled sector £100 million to replace. Metaphors using the words ‘shoot’, ‘head’ and ‘foot’ spring to mind. I can’t imagine why.